MOVES magazine did a story on my sports portrait photography work recently. It was published a few months ago, but they’ve recently revamped their website, and a good chunk of the 18-Page portfolio is now online on their website.
For those that are unfamiliar, you can’t walk into an NBA, MLB, or NFL locker room without seeing stacks of three magazines………..ESPN, Sporting News, and Sports Illustrated, perhaps? Uh, no……… The Robb Report, duPont Registry, and MOVES.

MOVES (About Professional Athletes, For Professional Athletes) is a lifestyle magazine aimed at young sports star millionaires. It’s a big, thick, beautifully printed publication (think Cigar Afficionado or Communication Arts), and like the other two aforementioned mags, it’s chock full of of high-end advertising for corporate jets, nice cars, watches, etc.
They’ve featured two other photographers in large portfolio features: legendary Madison Square Garden photographer George Kalinsky, and the great Walter Iooss. How I got thrown into the mix with those two, I couldn’t tell you, but I’m grateful and very humbled all the same.
Great stuff, Robert. Love your work.