I recently photographed an awesome fitness instructor, Melanie Webb in Kodachrome State Park in Utah. Melanie is unique in the world of fitness professionals in that she runs a great business combining two of her areas of expertise: wildlife and fitness training.
Melanie was originally a wildlife biologist with the state of Utah, and later became a very sought after fitness instructor at top health clubs in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. She combined her two loves into Sol Fitness Adventures, an adventure travel company, where she leads custom expeditions in southern Utah and throughout the world. Not only can she guide you up the mountain safely, she can also tell you the scientific names for all the flora and fauna you’ll encounter along the way.
Her company, Sol Fitness Adventures, has been featured in Outside magazine, Real Simple, and a number of other news organizations.
Although she normally leads tours in places like Zion National Park, Arches National Park, and Lake Powell, we decided to shoot at Kodachrome State Park. Melanie is a gifted athlete and we made some great photos in the awesome late afternoon Utah light.
What an experience that was being a subject under your expert eye. Every athlete aspires to have amazing photos that they can look back on and be proud of, but to have them come from you is a real honor. I’m so pleased with how they turned out – many thanks for a beautiful experience!